Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes
Novotel Valenciennes

Novotel Valenciennes

Rue de Maugré, 59220 Rouvignies, France

4.6/5 | 9 Reviews

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Payment information

  • Cash payment accepted at this hotel

We're liking this

  • room
    Comfy roomThe bath-bathrobe-TV trio will keep you busy all day
  • pool
    Cristal clear watersThe outdoor pool is not just for kids to play in
  • restaurant
    Foodies' HQThe house brewery keeps you warm at all hours of the day

Novotel Valenciennes Aerodrome is conveniently next to the A2 highway, 10 mins from the city center, 15 mins from the Belgian border, 30 mins from Lille. On business? From the hotels location in Rouvignies, access various meeting points: Cite des Congres, ZI automobile, Serre Numerique. Passing through Valenciennes? Enjoy the Museum of Fine Arts and historic mining center at Lewarde. Relax by the pool.


Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Meeting room
Meeting room
Outdoor pool
Outdoor pool

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Rue de Maugré, 59220 Rouvignies, France